Chapter 46, §1057-f: Online voter registration
a. The campaign finance board shall provide a secure website and mobile application that allows any individual qualified to vote in the city of New York to confidentially submit to such board through such website and mobile application the information collected on a voter registration application form pursuant to section 5-210 of the election law for the purpose of registering to vote or updating such individual’s voter registration. Such website and mobile application shall allow such individual to electronically provide a signature of a quality and likeness comparable to a signature written with ink, consistent with subdivision c of this section. The website and mobile application shall also allow such individual to view the notices contained on or accompanying a printed voter registration application form. Upon receipt of such information and signature, the campaign finance board shall print such information onto a voter registration application form, electronically-affix such signature, and transmit such printed application to the New York city board of elections, consistent with section 5-210 of the election law, or transmit such information and signature though any other method consistent with section 5-210 of the election law.
b. Such website and mobile application shall also conspicuously set forth information concerning the timeframes and deadlines for applying to register to vote or updating registration, to assist such individual in ascertaining whether the registration or update will take effect for the next election. Such website and mobile application shall also conspicuously set forth information concerning how a voter may confirm their registration information.
c. The website and mobile application provided pursuant to this section shall permit the submission of an individual’s signature through one or more methods determined by the campaign finance board to result in a signature of a quality and likeness comparable to a signature written with ink. Methods to be considered by the campaign finance board shall include, but not be limited to: (i) the uploading of an electronic file; and (ii) direct input through a touch or stylus interface. In addition to any other method or methods utilized pursuant to this subdivision, the campaign finance board may, with the consent of an individual, utilize a signature previously provided by such individual to an agency or pursuant to the New York city identity card program, established by section 3-115 of the administrative code, if such board determines that such signature otherwise meets the requirements of this section and may be used consistent with the applicable law governing the program for which the signature was provided.
d. To the extent practicable and consistent with the privacy of users, data security and applicable law, the campaign finance board shall make available to the public a web application program interface that permits programs approved by such board to directly transmit voter registration application form information to such board in a manner equivalent to the submission authorized by subdivision a of this section.
e. The campaign finance board shall transmit voter registration application forms completed pursuant to this section to the New York city board of elections within two weeks of receipt of complete information, including a signature provided in accordance with subdivision c, provided that if such information is received within two weeks before the last day for registration to vote in a citywide election, such completed forms shall be transmitted as soon as is practicable to the New York city board of elections and if such information is received within five days before the last day for registration to vote in a citywide election, such completed forms shall be transmitted to the New York city board of elections not later than five days after the date of acceptance.
f. In implementing the provisions of this section, the campaign finance board may receive advice and assistance from the voter assistance advisory committee and the coordinator of voter assistance. In addition, in implementing such provisions, such board may, with the consent of the mayor, receive advice and assistance from and delegate any powers and duties set forth in this section to any office of the mayor or agency the head of which is appointed by the mayor.