Chapter 46, §1057-c: Notice at former poll sites
On the day of any primary, special, or general election, prior to the opening of the polls, the board of elections in the city of New York shall post a notice on or near the main entrance or entrances of each building that was used as a poll site in any primary, special, or general election in any of the prior four calendar years, but which is not being used as a poll site for the election being held on such day, unless the owner of such building objects to such notice being posted. Such notice shall only be required at former poll sites that covered one or more election districts in which an election is being held on such day. Such notice shall include, but not be limited to: (i) a statement that the building is not in use as a poll site for such election, (ii) the address or addresses of the poll site or sites that are being used for such election, accompanied by a list of the election districts being served at each such poll site; (iii) the website for the official poll site locator of the board of elections in the city of New York; and (iv) a phone number of the board of elections in the city of New York that may be called for poll site information.